
Monday, October 20, 2008

Shoulder AGAIN!

I dislocated my shoulder again! My arm is pretty much shot and I don't have any other choice to to have surgery! This week I will be getting an MRI to see how bad it is. Then sometime before Thanksgiving I will be getting surgery. I don't know all the details about it yet, but I will be in an immobilizer for 6 weeks afterwards! I will post more when I know!


  1. So sorry to hear about your shoulder. I hope you get it fixed for good. Let us know how everything goes.

  2. So could we blame this time on Jon or not really ? :)

  3. I think so, because if you think about it, Jon is the freakish accident King. I have never been hurt or anything until I started dating Jon. So, overall I blame Jon for rubbing his freakish "accidentness" on him! : )

  4. We will keep you in our prayers. Let us know how things go.


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