
Thursday, April 15, 2010

More Hexagons....

Well it's pretty much an addiction...I am REALLY into hexagons right now! I've been trying to find the right pattern for all my glorious Amy Butler fabric and I finally decided on hexagons. It really makes the fabric stand out and plus they are super fun to make! Let me know what you think!! I've made thirty hexagons today and will continue tomorrow...check back at the end of the day tomorrow for more!


  1. How wonderful!! I know what you mean, it is the most wonderful addiction! I am so glad you understand how I have been with fabric all these years!
    love, mama

  2. oh my gosh Jamie those look so cool! i love the amy butler! and you made them so fast, i bet theyre fun. -Laurel

  3. very cute! i am into hexagons right now too after staring at that quilt at Grandma's!

  4. Rachel...maybe one of my quilts this year will have to be a Rachel hexagon quilts! Oh I LOVE that quilt at Grandma's!!

  5. love the hexagons! and that fabric...oh that fabric...makes me want to sew right now!!!

  6. i have to have a little girl first and then we'll do a hexagon quilt ;)


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