
Friday, July 23, 2010

Cute, cute, cute

My nephew Jordan turns 1 at the beginning of August (can't believe it)!!  His mommy decided on a sock monkey birthday party.  So, I made sock monkey shirts for Jordan and his brother Xavier.  You can't make one brother a shirt without making one for the other :)  Jordan's is blue and Xavier's is red!  I'll post a photo of the boys wearing their shirts as soon as their awesome photographer mommy takes them! No rush Rachel ;)

I made this cute little clutch for our anniversary yesterday!  We had such a great anniversary yesterday!  We went out for steaks and I got to sew during the day while my hubby was at work!  Here is a link to the tutorial if ya'll wanna make one too!  It was really easy and super cute!  FYI: I used Anna Maria Horner fabrics for this clutch and I love the way it turned out!


  1. I loved, Jamie!!!! You did a really great job!!!
    BIG kisses,

  2. Jamie,
    I got the tuttorial too.
    Thank you so much!
    BIG kisses,

  3. I want to see a sock money T-shirt for you and Jon....and a picture of you both wearing them. I'd like a pink one for Jon and green for you.


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