
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

MMM Swap

I'm finally home from my two weeks in Houston!  Mom and I drove yesterday and could now be considered storm chasers!  We drove from Houston, TX through east Texas, Arkansas and southeast Missouri....yeah if you haven't been watching the was horrible!! Tornados ALL around us!  God was definitely with us on our journey and we made it to my house safely and at 4 in the morning!  My normal 11 hour drive turned into a stormy 15 hour drive UGH!! 
On the brighter side when I got home I got to see my Make Mine Modern swap package in person!  My hubby Skyped me so I could see all the goodies when they arrived but today I got to see them in person and touch them!! WOO HOO!!  If you don't know what Make Mine Modern definitely go check out the Flickr's pretty much the most fun swap ever!  I was just asked to be a swap mama for the next round and I'm super excited to get started....go sign up for all the fun!! 
First, I'll show you what I sent to my partner Megan of Canoe Ridge Creations...check out her cute blog!

I know that she loves Denyse Schmidt's Katie Jump Rope fabric so I made her this pillow!

I made this cathedral windows pincushion made with Amy Butler's Love line.

Yummy metallic thread and a thread catcher/needle holder

The fabric I sent!

Now, this is what I got from my awesome partner Sylvia!!  I'm not sure if she blogs so if you do let me know!  Here is a link to her flickr!! She has a bunch of cute stuff there check her out too!  She read that I love Amy Butler's Soul Blossoms and ran with it!! Sylvia, I LOVE're awesome!!
Here are all the goodies she sent!! :)

yummy fabric all Amy Butler Soul Blossoms

Awesome fabric pin with zippers!  Are you kidding?? This is so cool!

Look at all the places to hold stuff like pencils and scissors this is the coolest thing ever!

Cute hoop to decorate my sewing room with!  Those flowers are too pretty!

How cool is this?  It's Denyse Schmidt Hope Valley stationary!

Thanks so much for everything're an awesome swap partner!

Tomorrow my mom and I are off to Paducah, KY for the quilt excited!   Don't worry I'll take lots of photos to share with ya'll!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like it was a fun swap! Awesome!

    Maybe I'll see ya tomorrow in Paducah!


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