
Sunday, August 7, 2011

And I'm back!!

Hey ya'll,
I know it's been awhile and I'm sorry!  The hubby and I are pretty much all moved in to our 1st house and we couldn't be more excited!! It's everything we've always wanted and we just LOVE our house!!  Once I finish organizing my sewing room (yep I have a large sewing room that is amazing) I will post some photos!  First, I thought I'd give you an update on our little one!  I will be 16 weeks tomorrow and this pregnancy has been wonderful!  The first trimester was great, I did not have any morning sickness or throw up ever (still thanking God for that!!) the only thing was that I was SUPER tired all of the time!! That was an adjustment going from a super hyper person to being dead tired! But now I'm into the second trimester and have my energy back!! Woo hoo just in time to sew sew sew!!  We find out what this little nuggest is on the 25th and I can't wait!  Of course I'm making all of the nursery decor so I can't wait to find out so I can get going on that while I still can!  I haven't sewn too much lately because of the move.  I did make some felt food for my nephews birthday!  I'll share photos of that later this week!  For now I will leave ya'll with this photo of my belly!  Yes, those are maternity shorts and if you're wondering, AMAZING, it's like wearing jammies all day long and not looking like a slob!  :)  I'm so excited to be back in blogland...I've missed it!!


  1. 16 weeks, and LOOK at that tiny tummy! You are definitely glowing. :)

    Welcome back, and see you soon!

  2. Jamieeee,

    you look awesome!!!!
    All the best in your new life and home!!!
    Miss you,

  3. Hooray for belly pics. Glad to hear you are feeling back to your old self again. Looking forward to how the nursery comes along. You can teach me.

  4. Yay for Baby Mueller and Mommy-To Be. Can't wait to see you next weekend and hear all about everything.

  5. you're too cute. So happy for you. Life is good.

  6. You look great Jamie; yay for the belly bump! Congrats on the house too!!

  7. Congrats on your new home!!! Hope you will post pictures of your new sewing room sometime.

    Enjoy sewing things for the baby's room once you find out if its a boy or girl.


  8. I don't know how a woman could look any more beautiful than you do. =) I'm so happy for you!!

  9. Congrats to the both of you on the new baby & new home! How exciting! (no morning sickness? - I'm gonna guess it's a boy)

  10. You are glowing, chicky! Your bump is adorable!

  11. so cute... In my "day" we wouldn't dare show our I hated wearing those HUGE tops in double knit no less... maternity clothes are so much cuter now...

  12. Congrats on your new house and baby Mueller! Can't wait for the nursery sewing to begin.

  13. Congratulations on the new house! I detected a "mom to be" glow in your picture. Wishing you the best.

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day.


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