
Saturday, August 11, 2012

Angela Walters

Sorry it's been so quiet around here for the past month or so.  My husband is a high school teacher/coach and we were finally able to vacation in July after football and baseball stuff was on a little break.  Anywho, I've been super busy around here with lots of fun/creative stuff happening....more on that another day. 
Today, I was LUCKY enough to go hear Angela Walters speak and give a class on machine quilting!! AH, can you believe it?!?! For those of you who don't know who the talented Angela Walters is, I suggest going to her blog Quilting Is My Therapy and see all the fun stuff she's got going on over there! She has a blog where she tells you what she is up to, a portfolio of a bunch of her amazing work, and a fun quilting forum where you can connect with other quilters! She is an AMAZING machine quilter who quilts all of Tula Pink's quilts as well as a bunch of other really cool people. Her first book also came out this summer called Free Motion Quilting, which you can purchase here on Amazon or here on her blog to get a signed copy.  I HIGHLY recommend getting her book and I cannot wait for her next one to come out this fall!
Angela, it was a pleasure meeting you today and I learned so much from your class and presentation! Thanks for all your hard work and inspiring so many!
Enjoy the photos, I took a TON of photos of her in action but I'll only share a few today!
Angela Walters and I

Angela in action

Action shot

Angela doodling...showing us how to make the plume flower.

Some of Angela's samples (just a few...I took SO many photos of her awesome samples!)

And just a few photos of some of her quilts from her book!  They are even more awesome in person! 
Again, thanks Angela for coming to St. Louis, you were fantastic.....and everyone GO BUY HER BOOK......TRUST ME!


  1. What a great day! Glad that you were there!

    Have a super great sewing and stitching day!!

  2. Angela is really an Up and Comer in the quilting world - she's already very well known for her knowledge, ability and personality and I think she will be quite famous one day! I'm "old" (but not old in quilting) and was fascinated when the "young" quilters came out with their fresh, new ideas. I follow the movement and buy their books and use their methods and theories and freedoms in my quilts. Angela's and Leah Day's and Jacquie's willingness to share makes us all better quilters.

  3. I am catching up on July/Aug blogposts in my Reader!!

    I just saw these pictures on Angela's blog and I am happy to say that I am taking her class on Craftsy and am enamored with her. In just four classes, I am so much more confident about my FMQ!!!!


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