
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Looking for quilts

Hi ya'll!
I hope everyone has had a great week so far, it's been pretty busy at our house this week which didn't allow for much sewing.
 Anywho, I wanted to take a minute and share with ya'll a very important project that my mom and I have been involved in for many years.  It's the Ovarian Quilt Cancer Project and it auctions off quilts to raise money for all women's cancers. We are on the board with this awesome project and it's something we care very deeply for.  The quilt auctions are held in November every other year.
The quilt project and 2013 online quilt auction will benefit the Blanton-Davis Ovarian Cancer Research Program at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. Through innovative research, this program aims to develop effective screening methods and ultimately a cure for ovarian cancer. The online auction also raises awareness for the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic predisposition which increases the risk for developing both ovarian and breast cancer.
This coming November is the next one and we are looking for lovely quilts to be donated.  This is where ya'll come in.  If you have any quilts laying around or any works-in-progress that would want to finish up and donate we would LOVE to have them! Maybe you want to learn a new quilting technique that you saw online, well here is a perfect excuse to try it! Quilts can be any size or shape and any color under the sun! Quilts can be in any category as well: modern, traditional, art, applique. The deadline for receiving quilts in June 1, 2013 and we would greatly appreciate ANY that you're willing to donate! Plus, who couldn't use a tax write off too?!
If you would like to donate a quilt (or quilts) please print off a Quilt Donation Form that I've attached as a google document and fill it out and send with your quilt by June 1st!
Please pass the word along to your friends and quilt guilds and help spread the word about women's cancer research!  Thanks for your consideration and I know ya'll will come up with some beautiful quilts!
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me:
Here is one that I donated in 2011 if you're needing a little inspiration!
I had fun with FMQ and trying new quilting techniques!


  1. I can't access your link for the form, can you email it to me please.

  2. I have a couple quilts done except for making a label and need to add binding to the edge on the other one. I also couldn't get the form to come up. I can contact Pamela Weems at Md Anderson, she is who I have worked with before. I wasn't sure if there would be any big event to gather quilts or anything this time. Is there a deadline to turn them in? Just Joyce


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