
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sewing Accessories at Home and On the Go Blog Hop!!

Announcing the Sewing Accessories at Home and On the Go Blog Hop!
Starting on July 1st, every Monday through August 5th we are having a blog hop to share projects from our new book! Here is a schedule and list of awesome people involved!
July 1st-Jamie and Jill &
July 8th- Steffani      
July 15th-Janice        
July 22nd-Jamie        
July 29th-Diane         
Each awesome blogger will share a project from the book that they made AND they will be giving away a copy of the book!   Plus, Mom and I will be sharing ALL of the projects from the book throughout each week giving away lots of fun stuff sponsored by Moda and Dear Stella!
Thank you to everyone who has already purchased a book and if you would like to purchase a copy you can do so on Amazon, Barnes and Noble or of course Our Website!
If you make a project from the book, please share a photo in our Flickr Group or if you Instagram #SABlogHop because we'd LOVE to see it!!!
Thank you to the awesome bloggers and sponsors for participating in our blog hop and make sure ya'll come back Monday July 1st for the first post!!

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