This is the first post from Market that I will be posting on my blog! Mom and I got so many great ideas and can't wait to share everything we saw! This first post, I will be showing my three favorite designers in the whole world! I hoard all of their fabrics because I just love to look at them for inspiration! (I will be going in alphabetical order just to be fair!)
First up, The Amazing Amy Butler! My mom and I had the pleasure to meet
Amy Butler at Quilt Market and she was the sweetest person ever! It's so great meeting your fabric idols and they end up being so down to earth!! It makes buying all of her products even more worth it! Thank you Amy for being so awesome and talking with my mom and I; it was a pleasure meeting you again! Her booth won 1st place this year and below are photos so you can see why! Her new fabric line is called Soul Blossoms and is amazing!

Me, Amy and my Mom!
Amy Butler's Booth
Pillows-so fun!
YoYo Quilt this is a GREAT idea!
Cute purses from her new book...which she signed WOO HOO! I almost done want to use it so I don't mess it up....BUT I also wanna make every bag in the book :) Seriously people, buy her new book Style's awesome!
Super fun pillows!
Amy Butler's Booth
Next up, the Super Sweet
Anna Maria Horner! Anna was so cute and I loved talking with her! She took the time to talk with my mom and I and her mom was also there too! It was so inspiring seeing all the mother/daughter duos at Market! Anna was nice enough to sign my book that I've had of hers called Seams to me! If you haven't seen that book...get's awesome! Her new fabric line is called Innocent Crush and it's gorgeous!
Anna and I
Cute clothes!
Yes people, that's an Anna Maria RUG!!
Some punk rock love!
I love her new Innocent Crush fabric line...gorgeous!
This chair is so pretty! Loved your booth Anna!
Last but certainly not least, Miss
Tula Pink! This was Tula's first booth and it was awesome! This is her 7th fabric lined and it's called Parisville! I love the colorways in this line and LOVED the new quilt patterns! Her mom was also there and it was a blast talking with them! My mom and I have been to her mom's shop in Missouri called
The Quilt Shoppe and she remembered us! How fun is that? Our bags we were carrying were made from Tula's previous fabric lines and she noticed right away!! I LOVED talking with her and she even said she wanted to take me home with her!! OK, yes please....I will gladly live in your studio as long as I can bring my husband and three cats :)!! Thanks Tula for being so RAD!
Tula Pink and I
New Modern Alphabet Quilt
New Wind Swept FAVORITE
Kiss Kiss Quilt
Silhouette Quilt...there were two!
Ya'lls booths were SOOOO INSPIRING and I LOVED meeting all of you! Thanks for being so nice to us and inspiring me to sew sew sew!! Love ya'll!