Sunday, August 17, 2014

Texas QAL

I joined late in the game but as soon as I came across the Deep in the Heart of Texas QAL I HAD to make a Texas quilt!  Being born and raised in Texas and living in the great state for 19 years, I needed to make a Texas quilt (I mean come on, I've been hoarding special Texas fabrics for years!  When I saw  the QAL over at Pretty Little Quilts, I jumped in and made the quilt in a few days!  It went together fast and the directions were great.  I had to adjust mine just a little bit because I wanted to finish mine before the QAL was over and I decided to omit the special city blocks.
Texas will ALWAYS hold a special place in my heart and I miss it dearly!  Texans are known for their pride and would be described as conceited about their state. In 7th grade, we even have an entire year of Texas history replacing other history.  Unless you've lived there, you might not fully understand the greatness of the state.  I love being from Texas and will always be a Texan no matter where I live.
Anywho, here is my awesome Texas quilt and if you want to make one too and see other examples make sure you hop on over to Pretty Little Quilts blog; and thanks for the awesome pattern!

I don't blog as often due to my crazy 2 1/2 year old who keeps me busy but I Instagram everyday, so follow me for more quilting updates!
IG: @jamiemueller0522


Cristina @ Pretty Little Quilts said... 1

Awww, it's so pretty! So glad you joined in. Beautiful job:)

Kat said... 2

Pretty! I love the colors and all the crazy theme fabrics.

Hilary said... 3

It looks great!

Aoife said... 4

I love how you mixed the Texas themed fabric with the houndstooth and the great colours! Brilliant quilt :)

Dark said... 5

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