Monday November 24th
Well, I didn't sleep as well last night as I did the night before. I only slept between 5-6 hours straight then I was really sore and came into the living room. Jon left for the Teacher's Conference around 8:00 am and shortly after he left I was able to fall asleep again. Jon came home to help me with lunch around 12:30. I pretty much slept the entire morning he was gone-it was what I needed because I felt so refreshed when I woke up. I decided to tough it out and go to the last sectional and dinner of the conference for today. So Jon helped me shower, get dressed-I actually put a little makeup on! We left around 3:30 pm and went to the conference. It was great seeing everyone! My team volleyball pictures were waiting in my box for me-they turned out great and that made my day! Mickey Eckert gave me an envelope full of get well soon cards her PreK-4 year olds made for me! They are so cute filled with stickers, scribbles of them learning how to write their names, and get well soon sayings in Spanish! Those made me feel great-so cute! We stayed through dinner and left around 6:45 pm, by the end of it I was completely exhausted! It's completely different being up and doing stuff, you don't realize how much your movements affect your arm even when you don't move the arm itself! When we got home, we changed my bandaids and noticed a huge bruise on the front of my shoulder. It probably takes up the front half of my shoulder! It's yellow and purple but it doesn't really hurt much! The new area that hurt today was the middle muscle on the side of my arm. It was super sore today and the only way I can describe it is after you work out a lot and your muscles get sore-well it's like that but 20 times worse! Jon helped me pick up the house for Jon's parents and Erica coming tomorrow! I made a cover for my sling out of fabric and ribbon! It turned out so cute! For the rest of the night I just relaxed! I'm excited for Jon's family coming tomorrow. I made a doctor's appointment for Wednesday at 1:30.
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